Friday, 11 June 2010

Professional Practice

For the work based learning unit we are required to gain experience in our chosen field in a professional working environment. This includes paid work undertaken independantely, here i will show some examples of the work i have done of this nature.

Recently i have set up a business page on facebook as its free advertising to try to get my work known more in my local area, leading to enquiries and bookings and a reasonable second income.

Firstly i did a portrait day in the studio-offering portraits for families, couples, children, babies and individuals. As i am new to this i decided to charge a fee of £30 for a 45 minute photoshoot and the images on a disk- this was cheap enough to get the interest of the customers and hopefully lead to recommendations from them when friends and family saw the images. I would put my prices up in time when i become more established and have a more professional image (by having business cards and a website etc)

I asked a good friend to help me after anticipating that with so many small children this may not be easy! Although i have photographed small children before i must have been lucky so far, as nothing could have prepared me for the constant crying, screaming, running away and doing anything but standing in front of the camera. It made a big difference that i had Steph there helping me, as she was more than happy to sing to the children, blow bubbles, clap or whatever made them smile and stay still. I think before this i assumed that the parents would be able to do this, but this wasnt always the case. I soon learnt that bubbles for any child under 3- were like gold dust, so have now purchased a battery operated bubble machine.

I also found it quite difficult at first to direct people and make them feel comfortable but this is something that i noticed an improvement on as the day went on. Apart from the obvious difficulties of working with children the day went quite smoothly.

I photographed 5 sets of people for a total fee of £150, not bad for my first effort.

Here are some of the edited images from the shoots i did:

Carrie, Marc and Freya

F11, 1/125 Sec, ISO 100

F11, 1/125 Sec, ISO 100

F11, 1/125 Sec, ISO 100

F11, 1/125 Sec, ISO 100
F11, 1/125 Sec, ISO 100

Below is one of the model release forms i used, i asked each client to fill one in and one for each child was also completed. I explained to them that this was to cover myself in a legal sense and that they should read all of the form then sign. I also mentioned that my images would be used on my website, portfolio and facebook business page- no one had any issues with this.

Anna, Den and Austin

F8, 1/125 Sec, ISO 100
F8, 1/125 Sec, ISO 100

F8, 1/125 Sec, ISO 100

F8, 1/125 Sec, ISO 100

F8, 1/125 Sec, ISO 100

F8, 1/125 Sec, ISO 100

F8, 1/125 Sec, ISO 100


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