Thursday, 27 May 2010

Initial Research

Before i am able to produce my guidance list (to be handed in by 8th June) i need to do some research and define exactly what it is i intend to do.

I have no hesitation on the fact that it is Documentary/Photojournalism that are my main interest, and given that this brief is linked to Unit 14- a portfolio project that responds to the written report i produce from this individual study, it is important that i choose to do something i am passionate about and even may look to develop a career in area after graduation.

It is namely Conflict photography that thrills me, the problem with the nature of this work though is that although i can research this and produce a report surrounding this with some level of ease, it would be extremely problematic to try to gain work experience in this field.

For this reason i think it would be easier and more realistic to look and Documentary and Photojournalism on the whole as this gives me a broader range of possibilities with both my Individual Study and the portfolio to be produced from this.

Firstly i thought it may be an idea to look at a few photographers that inspire me.

Sebastiao Salgado
Walker Evans
Dorothea Lange
Cartier Bresson

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