Thursday, 27 May 2010

Guidance List

1. Foto 8 Magazine

Available from

Foto 8 is a biannual photography magazine and it is the uk's fastest growing publication of photojournalism, focused on independant reporting. It examines the issues beneath the surface that shape our world  consequently has won several awards including best photography magazine.

I have ordered a subscription to the magazine, they are published in April and October so i will receive April's issue shortly, i also purchased the previous issue- these magazines are very expensive- all three at a cost of £59 but they are exactly what i need to help me with the individual study.

This is the latest issue of the magazine:

Another advantage to Foto 8 Magazine is that anyone can send stories to them to be featured in the magazine, i would really like to bear this in mind when i am producing my work in response to this unit. As i am going to be volunteering abroad this summer- i plan to use the experience as my work based learning after John suggested this would be a great idea. As part of the programme we are encouraged to learn and research the local issues and each week we are asked to present our findings to our peers in an attempt to share the knowledge and make a difference. I would like to learn more about a current issue and document this through photographs and then pitch the story to Foto 8 magazine, although i am sure that this will be a difficult task, it is worth a try and if i can come up with an original story- or at least a story with an original viewpoint then there is a small chance they may be interested. It would be a wonderful thing to have to submit for assessment along with my images from my work based learning- a copy of my story in the magazine! I plan to research other Newspapers and Magazines that may be interested in this. The whole point of volunteering is to teach young people about the lives of others in a culturally diverse country and then to tell people in our own communities about what we have learnt, i think this would be a brilliant way of doing that.

Back issues are also in the College Library although they cannot be taken on loan as they are reference only, it may be worth me spending a few hours in the library reading then photocopying the relevant pages that are of interest to me.

2. Sean Sutton (MAG)

MAG Headquarters
68 Sackville Street
M1 3NJ

T: 0161 236 4311

Mag is an impartial humanitarian organisation who clear the remains of conflict namely land mines, in aid of communities worldwide.

Mag was awarded co-laureate of the 1997 Nobel Peace Price for its work with the ICBL- the International Campaign to Ban Landmines.

Sean Sutton started working for Mag in 1997. It was at a conflict and the camera talk at the Imperial War Museum that i was introduced to Sutton's work, which inspired me and added to my passion for the subject.

I hope to arrange an interview with Sean Sutton, it would also be wonderful to do a little work experience with him, even if only for a few days, just to get further insight into the life of someone who literally has my dream job!

3. Susan Sontag- Regarding the Pain of Others

This book was described as 'A brilliant analysis of our numbed response to images of horror' Daily Telegraph.

The back of the book reads:

From Goya's Disasters of War to news footage and photographs of the conflicts of vietnam, Rwanda and Bosnia, pictures have been blamed for inspiring dissent, fostering violence or instilling apathy in us, the viewers. Regarding the Pain of Others will alter our thinking not only about the uses and meanings of images, but about the nature of war, the limits of sympathy and the obligations of conscience.

After reading this i think this book is most appropriate for assisting me with the research for this assignment, it may help give me a broader insight into the contextual importance of reportage style images and aid me in deciphering their political meanings and rhetoric.

4. Facing The World- Great Moments in Photojournalism by Agence France Press

This book depicts hundreds of powerful images from within the field of photojournalism. There is little written information and it concentrates mainly on large scale images but serves well as a starting point for some of my research.

5. Side Gallery- Newcastle

A gallery focusing on Documentary Photography

6. The Guardian Newspaper (both online and in print)

The Guardian is a leading worldwide Newspaper focusing on large scale issues rather than the secular stories of individuals.

Available from

7. British Journal of Photography (both online and in print)

The British Journal of Photography is an important magazine for professional and serious aspiring Photographers, it boasts articles on a variety of genres and the website is a useful starting point for my assignment.

I have subscribed to the magazine so am currently waiting to recieve the first copy.

8. Imperial War Museum- Hilary- the head of Photographic Archives

Imperial War Museum North

The Quays

Trafford Wharf

Trafford Park

Manchester M17 1TZ

Telephone: +44 (0)161 836 4000

Fax: +44 (0)161 836 4012


Initial Research

Before i am able to produce my guidance list (to be handed in by 8th June) i need to do some research and define exactly what it is i intend to do.

I have no hesitation on the fact that it is Documentary/Photojournalism that are my main interest, and given that this brief is linked to Unit 14- a portfolio project that responds to the written report i produce from this individual study, it is important that i choose to do something i am passionate about and even may look to develop a career in area after graduation.

It is namely Conflict photography that thrills me, the problem with the nature of this work though is that although i can research this and produce a report surrounding this with some level of ease, it would be extremely problematic to try to gain work experience in this field.

For this reason i think it would be easier and more realistic to look and Documentary and Photojournalism on the whole as this gives me a broader range of possibilities with both my Individual Study and the portfolio to be produced from this.

Firstly i thought it may be an idea to look at a few photographers that inspire me.

Sebastiao Salgado
Walker Evans
Dorothea Lange
Cartier Bresson