Saturday, 8 January 2011

Preparing for the Exhibition

My Exhibition is planned for 27th January at 6pm and now i have permission to hold it in the Atrium in the University centre, and have secured funding for the Frames from Platform 2- Christian Aid, i needed to select and edit my final images.

With some help from Andy i began to edit the images i was definitely going to include, he brought up a few things that i hadnt considered (mainly because i have never done an exhibition before) such as aspect ratio, so after finding out the mount size of the frames i was buying we could put this ratio into Lightroom so that it was cropped correctly for printing. I had been de-saturating my images slightly but have now decided to keep the work contemporary with full saturated colour which shows a true representation of what i saw.

I have now edited and selected my final 12 images which are below: